First the main one, you cant get all the buddies but this was a recent bug so before it happened I already redeemed all the buddies. However I have noticed a few things while using this hack. () Big Brain: This hack makes it much more easier then just typing in stuff in console, which could indeed give yourself a virus.() Davis Chan: I like it but the worst part is that when you set your uncap player level to 500 You get logged out.() faerie: i kinda found it cool but i couldnt undo the changes/hacks i did on my account.() Ethan Sun: So gooooooooooooooooooood and it worked!.I would suggest: get all pets,set level,obtain all items, obtain 99 conjure cubes. () ethan sun: my exprience with this: only use 4 hacks or less.When you end up in Ubuntu, you'll be prompted to create a new panel. When you hit enter, you will switch away from Chrome and switch into Ubuntu! When you are ready to return, you will have to hit: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F1 OK, now hit Enter! 3. In your crosh window, type: sudo enter-chroot startxfce4 at the / $ command line… but DO NOT PRESS ENTER!!!! Make sure to CHECK that there are no spaces between enter, the hyphen and chroot. We will no longer be limited to the ChromeOS programs, we can now use any open source software that we want! 1. Xfce4 will allow us to access the foundational operating system on your chromebook, which is called Linux and the version we will be using is called Ubuntu Linux! This is an operating system like Mac OSX or Microsoft Windows that will allow us to install and run programs.

Now, we are going to launch a new window manager environment that will run alongside of the Chrome OX window manager you have been using the last three weeks.

If you are in Crosh, type shellchrosh> prompt and hit enter to call the shell prompt. If you are not already in a chrome browser, open one up! If you are not already in a crosh tab/window, follow the instructions from Step 3 to enter Crosh (hit Ctrl + Alt + t).